A year in the life of ...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

What we've all been waiting for...

Who cares what happened between posts it was Tel Aviv PRIDE last week! I wish I could have got more/better pictures but it all happened so fast!

                                              Sarah and I supporting equality

                                     Trying to get a pic of hot Bears but got Derped

                                                            Hello Sailor!

                                     There were 4 of these babes. also in stilletos


                                                     I love those Sweeds!

                                                        Bar Rafaeli. HA!

                                      After the parade a few people met at the beach

                                           I was literally drawn to the glitter        

                        How I wish I could end every night. In the bosom of a drag queen

Monday, April 29, 2013

What I have been trying to tell you for years...

I rest my case.

BB and the technicolour dream pants

I finally got to experience Israel they way I pictured it in my mind before I came here. MP, Itay, and I lead the caravan containing Sarah, Warren and another seven people two hours to the desert for a Solaris Project rave. It took place in a Bedouin camp where we all set up tents just on the outskirts of the main stage. I have to say it was the cleanest, well organized/supervised festival I have ever been too. The best music was found in the chill out tent were roughly six very "chilled" out individuals could be found at any one time. We spent a bit of time there but of course all the energy (and camels!) could be found at the main stage.

So there we were, in the middle of humanity. The bass has been thriving for so many hours that my heartbeat seemed to coexist with it. I was surrounded by the dreadlocked, beautifully bronzed sun worshipers I had been waiting to be in the presence of. Hoola hoopers and poi dancers, the energetic and mellow, all thriving more and more as the sun peeked over the hills until it beat down on us as hard as the music had all night. Was it ever hot! 

MP and I managed to dance the night and day away after he bolted out of the tent screaming "what are we doing?! Why aren't we dancing?!" since the camp decided to spend the first couples hours sitting around chatting. I think we had the best tie there, especially when we discovered the camels. It was, after all, a Bedouin camp.

Much like horses in a pen on an acreage, we found camels. a little too close to the music. But there they lay, also waiting for the sun to come up, swaying to the music, chewing...something, just being ridiculously adorable. Of course some loser children had to get in the pen and make things worse. I would have tazed them.

Around noon, after the heat got the best of us we packed it in for the tedious drive home, thank god for Itay, what a trooper. Although he did fall asleep for a tick, full recovery, full recovery.

More Nature Parties to come!

Of course MP has his hand in a bag of Bamba.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Spain...several months ago.

It's been an awful long time since I posted anything but I found a blurb on our trip to Spain so we will continue from there...
February 2013 
We all pilled in the car just after four to head towards Andorra for our ski trip. About an hour and a half in, the first snowflake fell. "it's snowing! Should we find somewhere else to stay? Should I go back? Should we put on the snow gear? the roads will be closed!" MP squealed. I could have laughed until I peed, forgetting Israeli's have not had the opportunity to drive in the slightest amount of snow. "britt, what do I do? Snow chains? What would you do? Should I turn back?" I'm staring out at a mild snowfall and clear roads. Good grief, chuck. 
Unfortunately the higher we drove the worse it got until we were sliding around mountain side. Time to turn back, only to be told we can make it. Well, we made it about an hour more, driving about twenty before something I wouldn't even risk driving through dumped down on us. Fueled by adrenaline MP was totally going for, even though we were stuck. By nine or so we all came to a consensus to spend the night in La Molina (a pricey ski town with NOTHING around). Luckily the places we did find open were so friendly, accommodating, and helpful. Snowed in we ended up deciding to stay for the ski trip.
Our apartment was a lovely warm loft where we cooked dinners and had breakfast while the sun peaked out over the mountains. It felt like Canada, it felt like home. Even when the harsh winds hit my cheeks and the cold crept over my skin it was a refreshing moment. 
Our first day hitting the slopes was intimidating but became more fun after a rumba and some Van Gogh on the chair lift. Yair was very impressive for his first time ever and is definitely showed us up by the end of the trip. I was feeling pretty confidant with my carving ability considering I haven't been on a board in several years and of course was excited to hit the slopes again. 
What was more exciting was Itay and I deciding we wanted to see the view from the top of one of the mountains, not caring the slopes were too advanced for us. several rounds of J&B gave us the courage to not only tackle red slopes but also to get lost, repeat the voyage and fly down one of the hills side by side on our asses. not long after we made it back to civilization I had an allergic reaction... J&B, tell me it's not true.
On our final day at the slopes we took the gondola way up into the mountains, so high I felt like I was on the moon. We also took the gondola back down, no thanks seven kilometer stretch. After Itay savagely gnawed on pigs feet in front of us we hit the road to Barcelona.
By this point I had already eaten enough cheese to make up for several months of Veganism. Is going vegetarian on vacation really such a treat? But we are in the land of tapas...woooow. I could live on it. Itay took us to some really amazing, upscale places, and also to Pepe's were I drank cheap wine while everyone else ate full battered anchovies. I suddenly found myself day dreaming about sailing away into the sunset with Pepe as he took me in his embrace when Itay asked for a photo. He gave me his phone number so I guess the offer is still on the table.
Aside from eating way too much heavenly goodness every couple hours we visited the Picasso museum and ventured around the city to see some of Gaudi's work. I didn't like it, but all the architecture surrounding it was lovely. We checked out some cathedrals of course, experienced street performers, and I had my first Spanish abortion... It's a shot, so we actually had several.
On the note of drinking. One night we ordered 9L of Sangria that poured from several taps, and barely made it half way before MP went crazy and took off down a back alley. Oy vey. 
The highlight of the trip, aside from culinary freedom was the Barca match. The stadium had a tremendous energy to it and of course the boys played amazing! It was a lot more fun then watching Chris play when I was a kid.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Breathtaking Break

What takes an hour to get to...
Two hours to find parking...
And is impossible to navigate in an automobile?

And here we thought Tel Aviv was bad. After spending six months in Israel and not visiting some of the holiest sites this country has to offer, MP and I finally managed to find a weekend to escape. Jerusalem is one of the most beautiful cities I've had the privilege of visiting. The breathtaking scenery and Jerusalem stone architecture had me in a state of bewilderment, trying to figure out if such an old, enticing city could actually be real. 

It was truly the break I needed from the Bauhaus architecture, sunny sea side (fantastic!) madness that is Tel Aviv. I feel the need to change my surroundings more often than I like to admit. 

MP and I managed to get ALMOST everything done we wanted to in just 2 days. We started by visiting the market, where I indulged in (and haven't stopped) my very first REAL passion fruit. Then we took to the streets to do a little exploring and get our bearings as we made our way to Jaffa Gate entering the Old City. We strolled through a maze of alleyway markets bursting with jewelry, brightly printed fabric, souvenirs, and you name it! Then we headed out of the old city to the windmill and sat under the stars staring down at the city for a while before getting some amazing vegan grub and downing an iced coffee. 
The next day we were up and at it full force. First off we took the tram (another first!) to the holocaust museum, which had a powerful and remarkable architectural viewpoint. We then visited where Jesus was crucified and buried, as well as the room where the last supper took place. We went to the crypt where Mary spent the rest of her life after Jesus' passing, which was also close to King Davids tomb and really embraced the magic and history the old city has to offer. 

After a long day of exploring and reading until my brain hurt we unwound  with a Nargila and some drinks while we assessed and diagnosed our own mental illness'. It seems as though my self confidence has a split, if not multiple personalities, and MP suffered from some case of lone wolf syndrome. Together we have a harmonious case of OCD that ensures nothing will be lost or forgotten, unorganized or dirty. It's amazing what can be discovered over a beer.
Shabbat is truly something to experience in Jerusalem. While Tel Aviv gets quiet around dinner hours, Jerusalem seems to have an eery stillness the whole time. We took advantage of Saturday morning to visit Oskar Schindlers grave and finish it off at the Western Wall, the holiest spot in the world for both Christians and Jews. I'll admit I can't remember the last time I prayed. But in this moment and opportunity I had to give it a shot. Needless to say my prayer started over several times and had a brief intermission but I think I got the point across. ADD was in full force at that moment.

It was a very insightful, spiritual, Inspirational visit that should have been experienced sooner but I know will happen again. 
* this post should be a little more in detail with proper names and locations but it seems MP is a little preoccupied saving lives so my proof reading has to go on hold.