Well BB, it's time to get a job, you wanderlust hippie. Luckily for me I figured out the key to a successful retirement is to do it while you are still young and gorgeous. Yes, you can get by on looks, thanks mom and dad. I consider myself semi-retired, let's get that straight first. But I do fill the need for experience and a little cash in the pocket is always nice, especially if there is a sale on wine. On the plus side I have beat the system, nothing goes better with wine than candle light, what power bill?!
So I decided to hit the pavement to see who would hire this English speaking ball of fury. I found myself in an interesting spot of town, hobo's and all around craziness, and thought, yup, I'm home! I made my way up to a sign that stated "Female Bartender Wanted must be 170cm" and headed in to have a chat with the owner. The interview went like this:
GR - "grab that bottle"
I reached for the top shelf and grabbed down a bottle of Jamesons
GR - "ok, so this is how it goes..."
I was there for about a fifteen minute breakdown of how the bar was run, what I could expect to be making, and any other information he could relay. This is the Cole's Notes version. The actual version was a strung out rant from the owner who's owned bars for nearly two decades, hasn't had a holiday and almost as long and is all around bat shit crazy. I affectionally refer to him as the Gordon Ramsey of the pub industry.
I battled out my first weekend, trying to steer clear of GR or messing up too bad as any wrong move sets him into a crazy fury of swears and screaming and all around verbal abuse. I don't take it personally, as I mentioned this guy is nuts, I'm just thankful for have some cash at the end of the night and dive into a occupation I'm all too familiar with. Clearly I'm not the strongest employee just yet but I have realized what little training there has been is shit and it's only a matter of time before I find my groove. I work with a Czech, a Russian, and an American girl (honey boo boo, the spy, and entitled Ke$ha) and we all seem to have a pretty good thing going on. I think in a few weeks time we can really have this pub thing under wraps and hopefully GR can learn to lighten up before half a bottle of Jim Beam and several beer have been guzzled. I thought I had it rough...
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