A year in the life of ...
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Veganize me!
MP and I were watching the latest episode on Master Chef Israel when inspiration struck. Their challenge was to make a gourmet version of their favorite comfort food. It got our mouths watering as we though of pizza, apple pie, grilled cheese, and creamy soups. All things we haven't had in months, maybe longer.
While he headed off to reserve duty for the day I splashed around the shuk in the pouring rain gathering ingredients to make some of our favorite things. The most frequent question we get as Vegans are 1)what do you eat? And 2) don't you miss...? 1) we eat a lot of salad, everybody should and 2) I was missing certain things until now... This just goes to show you we don't have to give up any of our favorite treats because we are vegan.
While he headed off to reserve duty for the day I splashed around the shuk in the pouring rain gathering ingredients to make some of our favorite things. The most frequent question we get as Vegans are 1)what do you eat? And 2) don't you miss...? 1) we eat a lot of salad, everybody should and 2) I was missing certain things until now... This just goes to show you we don't have to give up any of our favorite treats because we are vegan.
Becoming a kitchen master I realized all the bad things my parents served me as a child. THANKS A LOT for poisoning me.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
30 day raw vegan - I've got nothing else to do
So it seems even though my clothes still "fit", a healthy diet of fried veggies and rice in the SE Asia streets caught up with me and I was at my heaviest weight in BB history. I thought by going vegan and eating amazing Israeli food the pounds would just fall off and I'd be happily at a weight (ten pounds less) that I'd maintained in my adult life. WRONG. Although I was far more active, (MP and I got into some P90X and eventually gym memberships) and eating fresher foods it seemed I was at a stand still. Could it be all the baking, olive oil, and pita I was consuming? Damn straight.
So it was time to take my weight into my own hands and drop that ten pounds, more if I was lucky. I decided to give the 30 day raw vegan challenge a go. First off, it's not as tough as it sounds. "what do you eat? Salad?" well...yeah. But with the right tools and some imagination it's not only easy but also fun. I'm sure the average carnivore would struggle more but see much better results but in just under three weeks I managed to drop almost nine pounds. I have roughly a week to go to drop that one last pound and I think I have it in the bag.
The biggest challenge for me was giving up gluten. I could eat a garden of potatoes, and loaf of bread, a pasta buffet, and 24 cookies in one sitting I'm sure...but I didn't, and for that I can thank my regular waistline. Hello again!
I'm feeling amazing and although MP sabotaged me several times by making me soup *cheat* when I was sick, baked veggies *cheat* when I was weak and taking me for hummus *cheat* when rockets were flying I managed quite well with this new level of foodism and I hope to continue. Below are a few links that made this lifestyle change much more tolerable, and pleasant... you bet your ass I had cheesecake.
If you want to leave a smaller carbon footprint, even if it's every now and then check out...
Not raw but gluten free!
And go for a walk.
Hells Pub - Final Elimination
Several more weekends of chronic verbal assault, emotional and mental abuse, seemed to sail by with Chef on his A game of complete debauchery. Spirits were low, oddly enough, spirits were the only thing to get us high in this situation, so we kept a clean buzz to numb the pain until we saw the light of day once again and were safe for another fourteen hours.
At least this is what I thought. In my third weekend I experienced the most exhausting thirty hours of my life. I was contemplating my own insanity when the more practical side of my brain (which seemed to be cowering in a corner between depression and anger) gently reminded me I was not the one who was that crazy. Unfortunately, just when I thought it was safe, when I could rest easy, it seems as though I became the last standing, better yet the Devils associate in Hells Pub.
I've witnessed at least 12 people come and go in eight weeks as I was cautiously tiptoeing around the bar when the compliments came. I wanted to smile and be grateful that Chef was showing me some appreciation, "having you at the pub makes this easy for me, I wish you could be involved in all the other aspects of my life", no thanks. but this has just made me a bit more terrified. When suddenly your enemy has a "change of heart" you put your dukes up... And your mouthguard in.
He is right however. We don't bother each other and maybe that's why this is working out so well. I really enjoy the job, who doesn't want to get paid to drink and bullshit with people? And oddly enough we work well together. So then there was BB, the last standing champ of Hells Pub.
At least this is what I thought. In my third weekend I experienced the most exhausting thirty hours of my life. I was contemplating my own insanity when the more practical side of my brain (which seemed to be cowering in a corner between depression and anger) gently reminded me I was not the one who was that crazy. Unfortunately, just when I thought it was safe, when I could rest easy, it seems as though I became the last standing, better yet the Devils associate in Hells Pub.
I've witnessed at least 12 people come and go in eight weeks as I was cautiously tiptoeing around the bar when the compliments came. I wanted to smile and be grateful that Chef was showing me some appreciation, "having you at the pub makes this easy for me, I wish you could be involved in all the other aspects of my life", no thanks. but this has just made me a bit more terrified. When suddenly your enemy has a "change of heart" you put your dukes up... And your mouthguard in.
He is right however. We don't bother each other and maybe that's why this is working out so well. I really enjoy the job, who doesn't want to get paid to drink and bullshit with people? And oddly enough we work well together. So then there was BB, the last standing champ of Hells Pub.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Yom Kippur
This is the day of atonement for the Jewish people. One day a year Jews are judged for their actions by the Lord for the past year. On this day it is determined if you are weighed in the book of life or book of dead determined by your deeds for that year. You are not supposed to enjoy life on this day and fast and take time for 25 hours.
A whole lot is to be said about the Holiest day of the year from an outsiders perspective.
First off, I went to the grocery the day before Yom Kippur to grab a couple things so I could aid in MP filling his belly before his 25 hour fast started. What a mess. Seriously people, I'd like you all to take a second, consider your actions and look at yourselves. You are acting like a freaking apocalypse is coming! Carts are filled with insane amounts of groceries (you CAN NOT eat that many eggs), you have forgotten your manners (although I feel that's more often than not) and you are supposed to be fasting. What in the H E double hockey sticks is going on here?! P.s. It's only a day, chill the eff out...
What's that? The hummus spots are closed tomorrow? AAAHhHhHhHh!!!!
Ok, I'm fine. Now it turned out to be quite the lovely day. No crazy traffic outside, unless you count the army of ill skilled children on bicycles screaming at all hours of the day, and a general calm rested in the big city. I know what you are wondering, how did BB spend Yom Kippur?
I slept for the better part of it. Somehow MP and I crashed out around seven at night, just two hours after the event started, and I didn't crawl out of my Thai bed until around nineish the next morning. I took what I thought was going to be a calm stroll in the middle of the street to the boardwalk where I immediately regretted leaving the safety of the time out lounge. Bicycle accidents galore! I know what you are thinking, get to the goods BB.
You got it!
How BB spent Yom Kippur.
I'm the type of person who likes to do the exact opposite of what I am supposed to do in any occasion. Not because I'm ignorant...ok it is because I'm ignorant. But it's also because I like to push the envelope and if I can't entertain myself who else will?
So I took off my pants, blasted some high energy dance tunes and danced around smiling thinking about how ahead of the "remember when"* and "gotcha!"* game I am. I also sat on the balcony smoking the hookah, drinking red wine, and eating humus straight out of the container while devilishly nodding at onlookers below like 'that's right, never gonna get this!' mission accomplished. Did I mention we live next to a synagogue? Mwaaahahahaha...
Just have to add that the second Yom Kippur was over, fast and the furious 7 hit the streets. I know you bitches were just sitting with your keys in the ignition for the last five minutes dying to get some pizza.
*remember when is a game only to be played with people you are so close to, that they can handle what a complete ass you are being. For example when my childhood dog passed away and I was a wreck and in tears Coco waited until I was off the phone, looked at me solemnly and said "hey Britt, remember when your dog died?"
*Gotcha! Is relatively the same but it's when you get someone worked up about something that isn't true and right when they are at their breaking point you scream "gotcha!" example: before I set out to see Coco in Indonesia I sent him a e-mail stating that me and a certain tall, tattooed, shitty individual and I had got back together and he was coming with me. The following e-mail was the gotcha! Now it's far more effective in person but sometimes you have to work with what you got.
If you are having a bad day, ruin someone else's, that way you get a little high out of the deal.
A mesage from MP on Yom Kippur:
A whole lot is to be said about the Holiest day of the year from an outsiders perspective.
First off, I went to the grocery the day before Yom Kippur to grab a couple things so I could aid in MP filling his belly before his 25 hour fast started. What a mess. Seriously people, I'd like you all to take a second, consider your actions and look at yourselves. You are acting like a freaking apocalypse is coming! Carts are filled with insane amounts of groceries (you CAN NOT eat that many eggs), you have forgotten your manners (although I feel that's more often than not) and you are supposed to be fasting. What in the H E double hockey sticks is going on here?! P.s. It's only a day, chill the eff out...
What's that? The hummus spots are closed tomorrow? AAAHhHhHhHh!!!!
Ok, I'm fine. Now it turned out to be quite the lovely day. No crazy traffic outside, unless you count the army of ill skilled children on bicycles screaming at all hours of the day, and a general calm rested in the big city. I know what you are wondering, how did BB spend Yom Kippur?
I slept for the better part of it. Somehow MP and I crashed out around seven at night, just two hours after the event started, and I didn't crawl out of my Thai bed until around nineish the next morning. I took what I thought was going to be a calm stroll in the middle of the street to the boardwalk where I immediately regretted leaving the safety of the time out lounge. Bicycle accidents galore! I know what you are thinking, get to the goods BB.
You got it!
How BB spent Yom Kippur.
I'm the type of person who likes to do the exact opposite of what I am supposed to do in any occasion. Not because I'm ignorant...ok it is because I'm ignorant. But it's also because I like to push the envelope and if I can't entertain myself who else will?
So I took off my pants, blasted some high energy dance tunes and danced around smiling thinking about how ahead of the "remember when"* and "gotcha!"* game I am. I also sat on the balcony smoking the hookah, drinking red wine, and eating humus straight out of the container while devilishly nodding at onlookers below like 'that's right, never gonna get this!' mission accomplished. Did I mention we live next to a synagogue? Mwaaahahahaha...
Just have to add that the second Yom Kippur was over, fast and the furious 7 hit the streets. I know you bitches were just sitting with your keys in the ignition for the last five minutes dying to get some pizza.
*remember when is a game only to be played with people you are so close to, that they can handle what a complete ass you are being. For example when my childhood dog passed away and I was a wreck and in tears Coco waited until I was off the phone, looked at me solemnly and said "hey Britt, remember when your dog died?"
*Gotcha! Is relatively the same but it's when you get someone worked up about something that isn't true and right when they are at their breaking point you scream "gotcha!" example: before I set out to see Coco in Indonesia I sent him a e-mail stating that me and a certain tall, tattooed, shitty individual and I had got back together and he was coming with me. The following e-mail was the gotcha! Now it's far more effective in person but sometimes you have to work with what you got.
If you are having a bad day, ruin someone else's, that way you get a little high out of the deal.
A mesage from MP on Yom Kippur:
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Well BB, it's time to get a job, you wanderlust hippie. Luckily for me I figured out the key to a successful retirement is to do it while you are still young and gorgeous. Yes, you can get by on looks, thanks mom and dad. I consider myself semi-retired, let's get that straight first. But I do fill the need for experience and a little cash in the pocket is always nice, especially if there is a sale on wine. On the plus side I have beat the system, nothing goes better with wine than candle light, what power bill?!
So I decided to hit the pavement to see who would hire this English speaking ball of fury. I found myself in an interesting spot of town, hobo's and all around craziness, and thought, yup, I'm home! I made my way up to a sign that stated "Female Bartender Wanted must be 170cm" and headed in to have a chat with the owner. The interview went like this:
GR - "grab that bottle"
I reached for the top shelf and grabbed down a bottle of Jamesons
GR - "ok, so this is how it goes..."
I was there for about a fifteen minute breakdown of how the bar was run, what I could expect to be making, and any other information he could relay. This is the Cole's Notes version. The actual version was a strung out rant from the owner who's owned bars for nearly two decades, hasn't had a holiday and almost as long and is all around bat shit crazy. I affectionally refer to him as the Gordon Ramsey of the pub industry.
I battled out my first weekend, trying to steer clear of GR or messing up too bad as any wrong move sets him into a crazy fury of swears and screaming and all around verbal abuse. I don't take it personally, as I mentioned this guy is nuts, I'm just thankful for have some cash at the end of the night and dive into a occupation I'm all too familiar with. Clearly I'm not the strongest employee just yet but I have realized what little training there has been is shit and it's only a matter of time before I find my groove. I work with a Czech, a Russian, and an American girl (honey boo boo, the spy, and entitled Ke$ha) and we all seem to have a pretty good thing going on. I think in a few weeks time we can really have this pub thing under wraps and hopefully GR can learn to lighten up before half a bottle of Jim Beam and several beer have been guzzled. I thought I had it rough...
So I decided to hit the pavement to see who would hire this English speaking ball of fury. I found myself in an interesting spot of town, hobo's and all around craziness, and thought, yup, I'm home! I made my way up to a sign that stated "Female Bartender Wanted must be 170cm" and headed in to have a chat with the owner. The interview went like this:
GR - "grab that bottle"
I reached for the top shelf and grabbed down a bottle of Jamesons
GR - "ok, so this is how it goes..."
I was there for about a fifteen minute breakdown of how the bar was run, what I could expect to be making, and any other information he could relay. This is the Cole's Notes version. The actual version was a strung out rant from the owner who's owned bars for nearly two decades, hasn't had a holiday and almost as long and is all around bat shit crazy. I affectionally refer to him as the Gordon Ramsey of the pub industry.
I battled out my first weekend, trying to steer clear of GR or messing up too bad as any wrong move sets him into a crazy fury of swears and screaming and all around verbal abuse. I don't take it personally, as I mentioned this guy is nuts, I'm just thankful for have some cash at the end of the night and dive into a occupation I'm all too familiar with. Clearly I'm not the strongest employee just yet but I have realized what little training there has been is shit and it's only a matter of time before I find my groove. I work with a Czech, a Russian, and an American girl (honey boo boo, the spy, and entitled Ke$ha) and we all seem to have a pretty good thing going on. I think in a few weeks time we can really have this pub thing under wraps and hopefully GR can learn to lighten up before half a bottle of Jim Beam and several beer have been guzzled. I thought I had it rough...
Nike Nightrun Tel Aviv
High on my to do list is to run a marathon. I don't consider myself a runner, I doubt I ever will, but I really enjoy it and I decided what better way to celebrate being healthy and happy but to hit the pavement with several other ambitious individuals.
I must admit, I'm a little discouraged because we have just over 50 minutes to run 10K but with MP's encouragement we are going to cold smoke this one. Training starts NOW! We have also encouraged Hagai, my top dawg out here, to run it with us and he has let me know he's got my back on this one as well. October 30 marks the date and I'm very curious to see how well we all do. I suppose the biggest key to finishing is to stay motivated so I'm sending a request for a topless Ryan Gosling to meet me at the finish line (oddly enough I found this photo when I typed his name into Google, things are looking up!) Have your people call my people.
TLV... and it's only just begun
The first two weeks in Tel Aviv have gone faster than I could have imagined considering MP is back at work and I have the days to myself. Once again things have been non stop and I couldn't be happier to live in such a bustling city.
I have no problem occupying myself during the day with the beach, and all the amazing sights of the city while I eagerly wait for MP to get home so we can hit the gym and get down with some vegan creations in the kitchen. Current addiction: peanut butter and pickle sandwiches.
A recap of what has been going on so far:
Red Hot Chilli Peppers concert: 50,000 in attendance, young and old, they absolutely killed it! We managed to get some friends out for vegan burgers after. Look out we are taking over!
The Time Out Lounge: my absolute favorite spot in the apartment. Our balcony has sliding doors and is filled with candles, incense, hookah, red wine, energy of the street below and a good view of the Barcelona matches so MP can run around like a madman and I can pretend not to notice.
Rosh Hashana - Shana Tova! (happy new year!): it all started with some Super Ducks...classic. Afterwards we met MP's family in Petah Tiqwa for a rooftop diner to celebrate. The night air was perfect and little Shahar and I bonded as we continuously tried to push MP over the balcony to see if he can fly.
Sunset swims: the most exhilarating way to welcome the night. I've seen some amazing sunsets in my life but as you drift in the calm waters glowing bright with the last minutes of the sun and a darkened city is coming to life behind you, it can't be beat.
Yafo: just a few kilometers from our place this seaside town has a European vibe filled with cafe's and what is now referred to as the Shisha Buffet. We went to purchase a Nargila (the term for hookah+Shisha) and found a buffet line of all the flavors you could imagine, the place was bumping as these people really know how to unwind.
Stomping around the neighbourhood: I can't stress the liveliness of where I have decided to rest (or not) my head at night. Slowly I'm learning my way around Ben Yehuda, Allenby, Dizengoffe, King Goerge, and the surrounding area.
Art projects: Now we all know when it comes to talent, especially in sports and art Chris got the gift. However, I got the looks so take that Rook! However, I ain't bovvered and have taken it upon myself to be inspired and find some outlets, what better excuse than a bare minimum (I am a minimalist) apartment to let that freak flag fly. Currently I am working on an abstract piece on our kitchen table and got some canvases and paint today. I'm hoping someone doesn't ask if a child did the paintings, if they do, they most certainly did!
My first Israeli cheque: I volunteered my insides in the name of medicine in exchange for some shekels. Simply put I swallowed a capsule that takes pictures of my stomach and intestine so I could continue to indulge in hummus.
BB's first solo train expedition: made it all the way to Haifa and back in one piece so I could go visit The Stuff for a night and stop by one of my favorite hummus spots. On my way back to Tel Aviv I found myself on the train with a bunch of army kids staring at me. I found it rather odd considering they were all packing heat and all I had was a tattoo and a Honey Badger attitude.
Uri 83: we stumbled upon this hole in the wall on Rothschild one night. We were waiting for another bar to pick up so decided to try and find an exclusive pub elsewhere to have a beer. This place is as exclusive as it gets. Uri, the owner just chills out in his front porch playing music on his computer and you are more than welcome to come have a chat with him or hang out in the other half of the veranda for a little more privacy. I'd say this place holds ten people tops and it all started because he decided to put photos up in his windows because he didn't want to clean them. People just kept coming around and now you can come around for a drink.

Monday, September 3, 2012
Real Housewives of Tivon - Season One
A few weeks ago I was pulled into the office of executive producer of RHT. Though ratings for this season were high it seemed as though we were missing the real "meat" that is reality television. What I'm saying is that there wasn't enough screaming, because that's how you get your point across, various amounts of excessive abuse, drunken glares or alliances with the one woman everyone is terrified of. Nor were there slang terms to catch on like a skin "rash" that goes around a hot tub, or excuses like "I didn't slap her, I high fived her face" being tossed around the Tivon area.
I have been notified that season two will be taking place in Tel Aviv where there is sure to be a lot more "realness" going on. This means, after two months of trying to argue my way out of unpacking my bag...
BB - "well I'm not quite sure where I want to put that yet so I'll leave it in my bag, thank you"
EP of RHT - "I'm sure you're clothes can go in that empty closet"
*sigh* - fine.
I am. But! if this means I can live on the beach, work at a pub, verbally abuse innocent bystanders, and dance until sun up I guess I can unpack, for a little while.
I'm going to miss...
*uninhibited sunbathing on the top deck while listening to LMFAO's - Sexy and I know it.
*Singing 'don't cry for me Argentina' to the neighbors chickens while I hang laundry.
**Gossiping over red wine spritzers with The Stuff about all the other neighborhood bitches.
*My 22 year old neighbor's incessant dance party music that only stops when he sleeps.
*Stomping around the estate pant less shrieking "I want my mint Milano!"
And finally
*being the hottest mess on this side of Haifa.
I said this side!
**Although I have to share MP with The Stuff, we secretly like each other more than we like him. I'm okay with that.
Friday, August 31, 2012
This isn't Australia!
It seems as though I fell into
the abyss for the past two months so let's get you up to speed. MP (my Man
Piece) and I had a pretty kick ass time smashing Israel and being awesome, there
was never a dull moment as I have a million stories but here is my
Top 10 highlights of an Israeli summer
10) First day - clearly jet lagged from three days in Bangkok and not being able to sleep on the night flight due to excitement, the second I saw the giant Star of David I was beside myself. The beautiful scenery, the blues of the Mediterranean Sea, shuk shuka, the hot air, scorching sun, and beautiful people. The architecture had left me in awe, the sunset bursting with reds and oranges as it dipped into the water, and of course the company. The night wrapped up at an "exclusive" pub, i have learned over the summer there are many "exclusive" places in Israel. The first day is always so surreal but this was a whole new category.
9) Golan Heights - let's go to Syria! Or at least give it a glance. It was time for a trek off the beaten path to check out the Hermon Mountain, the highest mountain in Israel and be at one with nature. A peaceful day amidst the chaos.
Top 10 highlights of an Israeli summer
10) First day - clearly jet lagged from three days in Bangkok and not being able to sleep on the night flight due to excitement, the second I saw the giant Star of David I was beside myself. The beautiful scenery, the blues of the Mediterranean Sea, shuk shuka, the hot air, scorching sun, and beautiful people. The architecture had left me in awe, the sunset bursting with reds and oranges as it dipped into the water, and of course the company. The night wrapped up at an "exclusive" pub, i have learned over the summer there are many "exclusive" places in Israel. The first day is always so surreal but this was a whole new category.
9) Golan Heights - let's go to Syria! Or at least give it a glance. It was time for a trek off the beaten path to check out the Hermon Mountain, the highest mountain in Israel and be at one with nature. A peaceful day amidst the chaos.
8) Akko - we took a tour of the old quarter as well as the Templer tunnels from the old city to the sea. A lot of history is in this little town and you feel as though you are in a time warp walking the streets through markets, past old buildings, and pom grenade juice stalls. In one attempt to go for the best hummus in Israel we ended up in a large festival to celebrate the end of Ramadan. There was pumping music, games, tons and tons of people and all around chaos. We then drove up the coast line to Rosh Haneakra (border between Israel and Lebanon) and watched another amazing sunset.
7) Haifa - home to the Bahai Center, the gardens surrounding are immaculate and eye catching from a far. I swear you can see all of Israel from the view from the top. We found ourselves at a place called the Beer Fountain a few Tuesdays, where they block off the street for the night and bring in a band. The music is energetic, people are dancing, beer and perogees (!) are flowing, and the street is packed. They also have a guest singer croon out "Mustang Sally" and "sweet home Alabama" among many others and boy, can he wail!
6) Meteor shower - a night under the stars in the desert (i got so cold the heater was on in the car) and many wishes later, MP suddenly became possessed and we were heading to Mezukay Dargot to watch the sun rise over the mountains. To kick off the day, or continuation of the past 24 hours we had already been up, we went for a float in the Dead Sea. I can honestly say I've hit rock bottom, I've been to the lowest place on Earth. It was the most interesting feeling, like submerging into warm oil only to find yourself floating. I had to do it, I had to taste it, I managed to accidentally get a little splash on my face, stuck my tongue out and oh god did it burn! The worst sensation while I was experiencing one of the greatest.
5) Girls night out - MP had a bachelor party so I set out to Tel Aviv with his sister Shoshan and her room mate Ella to dance the night away and crash a hotel. The night started with some streetside sushi and beachside stroll before we got dolled up for a 80's party at which Ella and I 'work(ed) the blonde' to take advantage of the men who were wanting to take advantage of us. Never trust two blondes together. When we decided we were over the party we ran around the hotel like a Lohan on a come down trying to convince the security guards to let us in the pool, harassing room service for glasses of wine, and cackling at the moon on the balcony until the early hours of the morning.
4) The quarter century birthday (2 parts) - I woke up, put on my zer (head bouquet you wear on your birthday if you are from the kibbutz) and ate cheesecake in the morning sun. MP took me to this fantastic restaurant where you can eat all the cheese you want and drink red wine until your heart is content. Or they cut you off. After that we went to an 'exclusive' beach in the Kineret for a dip and to watch the sunset. To wrap it up we went to the only pub in Tivon and caused quite a ruckus when a fight almost broke out, never in the history has this happened until the Canadian arrived. On a separate day I got my birthday present... A 3:30 a.m. wake up call so I could watch the sun rise... from a hot air balloon! It was Absolutely breathtaking to watch the fields bathe in gold as the sun came up over the hills and I was in the middle of the action.
3) Water War - in Rabin square, Tel Aviv, roughly 5000 water gun toting sun worshippers gathered to soak each other with the water from the fountain. Carnage ensued for hours as young and old, scantily clad and over the top water gunman chased each other around without mercy. This event should definitely go on your bucket list.
2) Jerusalem - the energy here is infectious! We took a quick stroll through the old city where an Arab man told me I was in "good condition" and offered MP 10,000 camels, a donkey, and 2 cats for me. Goes to show you cosmetic value is still at a high in Israel, little did he know... We caught a concert in a park by an Israeli band called Balkan Beat Box, hands down the greatest concert I'd ever been to. The band's dynamic didn't skip a beat and the crowd was in a constant frenzy as the night air wrapped around us and the orange moon rose. To finish off a perfect day we met up with Constantini (MP and he had met abroad), ate jachnun (Yemeni dish that will make you FAT), and danced the night away with some over the top French guys.
Number 1(!!!) Smashing Hummus - hummus is my new addiction. I go through withdrawal, so awful. Going for hummus has to happen at least once a week, we usually manage twice, but thrice is nice. I've had the opportunity to smash hummus all over the country, some really amazing bowls, to some ok bowls, spoken like a true hummus champ. My first time having hummus I couldn't finish the bowl and had no clue what I was doing or what half the other things on the table were. MP gave me the best advice he could, "you've got to figure out a good hummus to pita ratio" ahhh, words of wisdom from a seasoned veteran of hummus intake. I have yet to master the refill bowl that is legend to be better than the first.
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